Maternity Leave Ending

Monday Musing Confession journal diary

Happy Monday party people! I hope you had a great weekend and maybe even enjoying that extra hour of sleep. Let’s enjoy it now because we all know we will be hating ourselves in the spring when we have to do that spring forward stuff (I know I will).

This week I went ahead and confirmed when I will be ending my maternity leave and going back to work. Having that date now be “official” got me real emotional. I spent a day sad, shed a few tears and just not entirely able to wrap my head around it all. So many thoughts were flying through my head like I’m not ready to leave her, how are others able to do this and the big one how can anyone afford childcare.  

It got me all worried and worked up where I couldn’t even sleep just thinking about it. It’s wild to me that women in this country go back to work anywhere from 6-8 weeks. I am incredibly lucky I have been able to be out of work for this long to bond with our little girl but it’s just not enough time. How do others do it?

And the other layer is how can families afford to pay for childcare? It’s basically another mortgage and with how expensive everything is right now, it just seems impossible. Basically I feel that you either work to pay for childcare, spend less time with your kids and have a little buffer. Or you don’t work, don’t have to pay for childcare, spend more time with your kids but be on a super tight budget. It just seems like a loss-lose situation.

Lots and lots of thoughts on this one and I’m definitely still processing it all.  For now I am going to do my best to continue to enjoy my time with my little one before I have to truly face that reality of going back to work. 

Anyone else feeling this way?  Or maybe you have gone through this before and have advise. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments and any words of encouragement.  Much appreciated.  

Thanks for reading.   Cheers!!!