Happy Monday party people! Last week was a bit challenging with our new one. Going into the week, I was feeling really good, felt like we had a routine and that we were getting the hang of things. Well, like I’m quickly learning with parenting, just when you think you got the hang of things, man oh man that baby will humble you really quickly. Our baby went from getting 5-7 hour stretches of sleep at night to 2.5 -3 hours. She used to take 2 hour naps during the day and now sleeps only 30 to maybe 60 minutes. When she used to sleep on her own in an infant lounger for quite a while, now she can only get that long sleep while she is laying on my chest.
Naturally I wonder to myself, what have I done wrong? Maybe she is over stimulated and unable to get good rest during the day? Then we try placing her in her crib with the room dark and only her sound machine on. But then she cries and cries. Only thing I want to do is pick her up and console her, because honestly I’m not sold on the whole crying it out method at 2 months. Maybe once we can sleep train her (around 4 months), then maybe she do that whole self soothing.
As I sit here writing this, she is in her crib and cried herself to sleep. It was awful. Even though she only cried for a couple minutes, she stopped like a light switch and fell asleep. Am I being selfish for wanting a few minutes to myself to brush my teeth and throw on a new pair of clothes? I’m putting my own needs above her own and isn’t that exactly the opposite of what a mother should be doing? Man its hard not only the day to day and taking care of her but also just questioning ever single move I’m making and whether it truly is the best thing for her.
Anyone else as lost as I am when it comes to this whole being a new mama thing? Feel free to share in the comments.
Thanks for reading. Cheers!!!