Loving this mom era that I’m currently in.  Its definitely newly charted territory for myself but I’m learning, adjusting and just being flexible at this time. Confession time, I have been feeling a bit of FOMO lately (fear of missing out) especially this past week. I know its because I’m adapting to my new role in life as a mommy and taking care of this little one.  But man scrolling through social media and viewing what friends are up to can be rough at time.  I see my friends still getting together, eating at new places, dancing and doing so much more. To be exact, maybe I’m just missing the social aspect of life. I guess its easy to feel that way when you’re pretty much staying home and taking care of a baby. Long are those days where I could just drop everything and go do something. Instead I am realizing that the only way I’ll be able to do those things now is through extensive planning and securing a babysitter. Which don’t get me wrong, I have plenty of those but I’m not even ready to mentally leave my baby so how can I think about doing any of those things. <– That is something I will have to write about another time.

Even though I am missing my old social life, I truly know I have gained so much and am now discovering what this whole new part of my identify.  Its quite scary and daunting but don’t all great things start off that way in the beginning?  A little terrifying where you’re just winging it but here we are making it happen and finding new joys you never dreamed of.   I love being a mom but I think I can also accept that I can also miss easier times. Its been helpful having a partner who is incredibly supportive and understanding of these feelings.  It makes talking to others about it so much easier to do.  

And I do have to say that after some time this past weekend, I am also realizing that my baby will only be this age once. Although the newborn times are hard, I am enjoying all the baby scrunches, funny sounds, silly faces while sleeping and so much more. Just my reminder to soak these things up because everything else will still be around once this stage of our baby’s life goes by. And lets be real the newborn time is actually flying by pretty fast.

I’m hoping that by sharing this with others here on this platform,  maybe someone else out there will read this and not feel as alone.  Any other new mommas feeling this way?  Or may you have gone through this yourself at another time and have words of wisdom.  Feel free to drop your comments, share a little love or your own personal experience.